Join me in Spain!
Spanish Sanctuary
A Healing Retreat
in Benissa, Alicante, Spain
Ā April 5-12Ā
Learn MoreCyndi Powers Coaching
You know you need to make some changes to move forward in the direction your heart desires, but just can't seem to gain any traction on your own. You're feeling stuck in patterns that are hampering progress towards a happier, healthier way of living.
Imagine the freedom that comes from relinquishing the endless, nagging internal dialogue and the unrealistic expectations it pledges. Imagine the energy you can reclaim when you lay down the procrastination and inevitable consequences of not tending to your well being. Imagine discovering realistic, attainable, smart solutions thatĀ last long-term. Imagine discovering what you uniquely need to be all that you can be. Imagine!
Cyndi helps people of all ages manifest healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives by facilitating positive, realistic and life-altering change, fostering self awareness, mindfulness and harnessing practical wisdom around the issues that are holding you back from the life you desire and deserve. Release negative attachments to situations, relationships and habits that no longer serve your highest good. Cyndi will help you create a fresh and fun blueprint so you can realize the peace and well-being that is your birthright.

"I've been attending Cyndi's workshops for years. Most weeks it is hard for me to get to a weekly class, so the weekend workshops are the perfect way for me to get some good yoga in and learn some new and interesting things. Cyndi is great at giving personalized attention in the smaller workshops. I always leave so happy I came, and feel recharged even more than expected!"

"I cannot fully express the magnitude of positive change that working with Cyndi has effected on my life. I met Cyndi in a workshop she spearheaded for women and positive body image. Since then, I’ve been her yoga student, attended several retreats, and have taken her teacher training. Cyndi’s wealth of knowledge, as well as her open heart and generous spirit, makes her programs a one-of-a-kind experience. Through them, I’ve learned so much more about myself and today, I feel more balanced, centered, and happy because of the work I’ve done with Cyndi."
Kate A.
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